
Canary Bypass

Canary Bypass

Linux binary exploitation is a fascinating topic. A big thanks to my good friend vampire, who provided me with this challenge and guided me through a complex stack canary bypass technique.

The primary objective of this challenge is to execute /bin/bash through system() function.

Vulnerable Code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct contact {
  char name[20];
  char *description;

void setup() {
  setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
  setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
  setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

int main() {
  struct contact c;

  memset(&c, 0, sizeof(c));
  c.description = malloc(100);
  puts("Enter name:");
  puts("Enter description:");
  scanf("%s", c.description);
  return 0;

Instruction to compile the code via gcc.

gcc vuln.c -o vuln

# Reference:
# compile the code using Makefile with default gcc protections
make all

My Exploit Dev Environment & Tools

  • Linux ubuntu 4.4.0-186-generic, 64 bit Server
  • GLIBC 2.23
  • Python 3.9.1, pwndbg
  • Tmux, ROPgadget, IDA64_v8.4 freeware, Objdump, checksec

OS & Binary Protections

Get the ASLR status of my environment.

╰─➤  cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
  • randomize_va_space = 0 means ASLR is disabled.
  • randomize_va_space = 1 means ASLR is enabled with stack, virtual dynamic shared object (VDSO) page and shared memory regions. As a result, libc addresses are randomized on every program restart.
  • randomize_va_space = 2 means ASLR is enabled with all capabilities in addition with the data segments. This is the most secure option.

However, ASLR protection only provides 28 bits of entropy.

  • The first 24 bits and the last 12 bits remain constant or fixed
  • Only middle 28 bits are randomized.

Now explore the default buffer overflow protections with checksec utility in the binary(i.e vuln) compiled with gcc default settings.

╰─➤  checksec vuln
[*] '/home/asinha/linux_exploit_dev/exploits/vampire/canary_bypass/vuln'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    Canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE (0x400000)
  1. amd64-64-little indicates that it is a 64-bit ELF binary.
  2. Partial RELRO indicates that .GOT is readable and writable.
  3. Canary found indicates that canary is used to detect a stack smashing attack. With each program restart, this 8-byte random value changes. For reference, canary value always starts with \x00.
  4. NX enabled indicates that stack memory is not executable.
  5. No PIE (0x400000) indicates that .bss and .data sections are not randomized on each program restart. For reference, the .GOT is located within the data segment (RW) section.

In contrast, PIE binaries support ASLR , allowing the entire binary to be loaded at a random address each time. This applies randomness to sections like .data and .bss, but only when PIE is enabled.

In summary,

  1. The vuln binary should be consistently loaded from a fixed address. However, due to the more secure ASLR settings, libc addresses are randomized with each program restart, preventing us from directly hardcoding any libc addresses in our payload.

  2. .PLT and .GOT table address are fixed with each program restart and we can also write on those addresses.

Code Review

  1. The variable c, which is of type structure with the tag contact, is declared in main(), so it is stored on the stack. In a 64-bit system, the block size is 8 bytes, resulting in a total structure size of 32 bytes.
    • name = 24 bytes (originally allocated 20 bytes in the code, but the GCC compiler rounds up to the nearest multiple of 8)
    • description = 8 bytes
  2. The setup() function is used solely to flush the buffer.
  3. memset() function is used to zero out the structure variables.
  4. scanf() reads from the stdin based on the format specifier. Here the format specifier is %s so it reads the input as string until we press ENTER or provide \n, then it stores that entire value into the variables (i.e. and c.description) and adds a null byte or \0 at the end.
  5. c.description variable holds an address that points to a heap region.

The Bugs

Bug 1

There is no boundary checking when the code takes inputs from the user.

It is possible to overwrite the stack memory by providing more than 20 bytes of input through name variable.

line 23: scanf("%s",;  => %19s is not used

Bug 2

It is also possible to overwrite/ overflow the adjacent heap memory by providing more than 100 bytes input through description variable.

line 25: scanf("%s", c.description);  => %99s is not used

If we chain those two bugs, then we can write anything in our specified address.

  1. While giving input through the name variable, we can overwrite the heap_pointer with an address.
  2. While providing input through the description variable, we can write something in that specified address pointed by the heap_pointer.

Static Analysis

Find the entry point of that binary.

╰─➤  readelf -a vuln | grep -i "entry"
  Entry point address:               0x4006a0

Since the binary is non-PIE, it is loaded into memory from the fixed address 0x4006a0 each time.

Understand the assembly of the binary

objdump -d -M intel vuln


Dynamic Analysis

To verify the memory layout during the first scanf() call inside the main() frame, lets send input via python.

  • 24 bytes A buffers via name variable and
  • 8 bytes B buffers via description variable.

Run the following python code under tmux session to interact with the binary via pwndbg.


  • Program automatically halts at the first scanf() statement.
  • [DEBUG] sent 0x18 bytes : This statement implies that the exploit code has sent out the input / buffer but the program does not yet receive it.
  • Backtrace section tells the execution is not in the main() stack frame.

Jump into the main() frame by entering the finish command 5 times.


From our static analysis, we knew that

  • RSP + 0 offset points at the name variable
  • RSP + 24 offset points at the description variable or heap_pointer

Verify this hypothesis by analyzing the memory stack from RSP.

# examine 20 "8 bytes of memory chunks" in hex format
x/20gx $rsp


  • ASLR is activated in the host therefore this libc address changes in every program restart. However we can always get a libc address from a fixed offset [RSP + 8]
  • We can’t leak the canary value because there are no puts() / printf() after the last scanf().
  • The binary has partial RELRO, allowing us to overwrite entries in the .GOT.
    • Additionally, since this is a non-PIE binary, the .GOT address is fixed.

Global Offset Table / GOT

  • Whenever __stack_chk_fail is called, control transfers to the .GOT via the .PLT. The value or libc address stored in the .GOT is then loaded into RIP.


  • The .GOT addresses, such as 0x0000000000601018(for puts()) and 0x0000000000601020(for __stack_chk_fail), remain fixed on each program restart. However, the values stored at these addresses will vary with each restart.

  • Run the following python code to corrupt the canary and observe the values stored on that locations.

  • Set two breakpoints

    • first before the calling the of __stack_chk_fail()@plt
    • second at __stack_chk_fail function.
pwndbg> disassemble main
pwndbg> b *0x0000000000400890
break __stack_chk_fail


c or continue the program.


When we hit our first breakpoint, we observe that __stack_chk_fail()@got -> 0x601020 does not yet have a libc address. This is expected, as it hasn’t been called yet.

In contrast, puts()@got -> 0x601018 does have a libc address, as puts() has already been called.

Now when we continue the program again, then the execution goes to __stack_chk_fail.plt -> plt_common_stub -> dll_runtime_resolv_avx and finally resolve the libc address.

The execution stops at the second breakpoint when it is about to call __stack_chk_fail.

At this point, it is noticed that __stack_chk_fail@got -> 0x601020 gets a libc address.


Control RIP

To gain control of RIP, we need to overwrite the value (essentially a libc address) stored at 0x0000000000601020 during runtime with canary corruption.

WHERE to write

  • While providing the input through the name variable, we can overwrite the heap_pointer value with 0000000000601020.
  • Also, we need to send minimum 48 bytes buffer to corrupt the canary stored on the stack so that it triggers the __stack_chk_fail function.

WHAT to write

  • While providing input through the description variable, we can feed 0xdeadbeef.
  • Objective is to set RIP = 0xdeadbeef when we continue to execute the program.
  • Later we can update this 0xdeadbeef with ROP gadgets to invoke system() function.

Enter into the Bad Land

Usually, the following characters are considered bad.

  • 0x0a represents \n
  • 0x0d represents \t
  • 0x20 represents space

Unfortunately, 0x0000000000601020 address has a bad char(i.e 0x20). As a result, we can’t enter this address through our name variable.


In ASLR protection, the last 12 bits remain fixed, allowing us to reliably predict that the last byte of any libc address will be \x00.

Through name variable, rather than overwriting the heap_pointer value with 0x0000000000601020, we can use 0x000000000060101f instead.

  • This address contains no bad characters.
  • It is just one byte before the previous address, meaning it targets the last byte of the puts@GOT address.

Now while providing the input through description variable,

  • First we need to restore the puts@GOT byte and set it to \x00.
  • Then set the __stack_chk_fail@got entry to 0xdeadbeef.
  • Therefore, we need to feed \x00deadbeef via description variable.

Run the following python code to corrupt the canary and control rip.


It is observed that during the crash rsp points just before our name buffer.

In order to get full control on the stack, we need make sure at the very minimum rsp should point to pad block(i.e before canary block).

ESP Adjustment via ROP

Try to find (6 POP) or (5 POP + RETN) gadget address.

ROPgadget --binary vuln | grep pop


Select 0x00000000004008fb: 5 POP + RETN.

  • RETN means (pop rip, jmp rip).

Run the following python code to to feed 0x00000000004008fb address via description variable and overwrite the 8 bytes pad block address with 0xdeadbeef to gain control on the rip again.


Leak a libc address

Now our objective is to leak any libc address and find the offset from system().

puts() is used in our program code, allowing us to leak any libc address by calling the puts() function if we know its address.

There are two ways,


  • This address is located in the code section, so it is fixed with RX permissions.

Open the binary using Ida, click on the _puts in “Function” left side window and select “text view”.


puts@plt address 0x400620 contains a bad char(i.e \x20) so we can’t select that address.


  • This address is also in the code section and remains fixed with RW permissions because of partial_relro.


0x601018 address does not hane any bad chars. Therefore we can safely use this address in our exploit code.

Argument of puts()

In order to print a string, puts() takes only one argument - a pointer to a string.


To pass the arguments to puts() function, we need to load the rdi register with an address we want to leak.

Search a gadget for POP RDI; RETN


  • As we know, all libc addresses are loaded into the .GOT during program runtime. To leak the address of a function in libc, we need to pass its corresponding .GOT address as an argument to the puts() function.
  • The puts() function then prints the values from that address until it encounters a NULL character.
  • We can select any libc address from the .GOT. For instance, let’s choose malloc@got at 0x601038, since malloc@GOT is resolved before puts.

Putting all concepts together

  1. We can set that pad block with set up rdi gadget address 0x400903 instead of 0xdeadbeef.
  2. Set the next canary block with malloc@got => 0x601038 as we want to leak the malloc’s libc address.
  3. Set next rbp block with puts@plt => 0x400620.
  4. Set next retn block with 0xdeadbeef to control the rip again.

Libc CSU_init Gadget

The previously identified rdi gadget address proved unusable because \x09 is a bad character. As a result, the exploit code provided below failed to execute as intended.


__libc_csu_init is part of the C runtime setup code in ELF binaries. Its purpose is to initialize the C Standard Library (CSU) before the program’s main function is executed.

We can use this function to set up rdi / edi register.


Lets understand the dependencies first

  1. rdi <= edi <= r15, therefore we need to set the r15 register
  2. 0x00000000004008e9 <+73>: call QWORD PTR [r12+rbx*8], if we control r12 and rbx then we can jump into our desired address.
    • If we can set rbx=0 then jump only depends on r12.
  3. In 0x4008f4 there is a jne insturction that depends on the value of rbx and rbp.


We can start at 0x00000000004008fa but before that we need set up the stack in the following way

0x4141414141414141 => AAAAAAAA
0x4141414141414141 => AAAAAAAA
0x4141414141414141 => AAAAAAAA
0x000000000060101f =>  heap_ptr -> put@got last byte
0x00000000004008FA => csu gadget
0x0000000000000000 => pop rbx # set rbx 0
0x0000000000000001 => pop rbp # set rbp 1 bypass jne
0x0000000000601018 => pop r12 # set r12 puts@GOT
0x0000000000000002 => pop r13 # set r13 any value
0x0000000000000002 => pop r14 # set r14 any value
0x0000000000601038 => pop r15 # set r15 malloc@GOT -> set the value to rdi
0x00000000004008E6 => retn # overwrite with second csu gadget -> mov  edi,r15d
0x0000000000000002 => set any value to accommodate 0x4008f6: add    rsp, 8
0x0000000000000002 => set any value to accommodate pop rbx
0x0000000000000002 => set any value to accommodate pop rbp
0x0000000000000002 => set any value to accommodate pop r12
0x0000000000000002 => set any value to accommodate pop r13
0x0000000000000002 => set any value to accommodate pop r14
0x0000000000000002 => set any value to accommodate pop r16
p64(0xdeadbeef) => retn # control eip
  • When the control jumps back from puts(), it will start the execution from 0x4008ed. Therefore, we need to make sure that rbx == rbp to bypass the jne instruction and for that we need to set rbp = 1.
  • After jne, it executes all pop instructions untill hit the retn.

Run the following python code to control the rip and leak the malloc libc value.

Verify the same malloc libc address in the gdb context using telescope 0x601018.


Calculate the libc base address

Using this libc_leak, we can determine the offsets of the system(), malloc or any functions and the /bin/sh string within the libc library. These offsets are constant for that specific version of libc and remain unchanged across runs.

Get the malloc offset from the libc base.

objdump -T /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep -i malloc


Run the python code to leak the libc base address.


The presence of three trailing zeroes in the address indicates that it could be associated with the libc library.

Preparing to call system()

Argument of System()

system function takes one argument a char to a string. For example the address of /bin/sh string.


Find /bin/sh offset from libc

strings -t x /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep -i /bin/sh


Therefore, /bin/sh string address = libc_base + bin_sh_offset(0x18ce57)

Find the system() base address

Similarly, as demonstrated earlier, we can use objdump to determine the offset of the system function from the libc base address.

objdump -T /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep -i system


Therefore, system function address = libc_base + system_function_offset(0x00000000000453a0)

At this point, we have all information to call system('\bin\sh'). However, the core issue is that we cannot control our input at this stage.

Therefore. if we jump back to main(), then again, we can control our input.

  1. We need to replace 0xdeadbeef with the address of main().
  2. We need to take control of the rip again through canary corruption, but this time, during stack step up, we call system('\bin\sh') directly instead of calling puts().
  3. In order to set the argument of system function, we need to load the address of the /bin/sh string into the RDI register.
  4. As we already have the libc leak, therefore we can directly find the gadget - pop rdi, retn from libc.
ROPgadget --binary /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep "pop rdi" | grep "ret"
0x0000000000021112 : pop rdi ; ret

Find the address of main()

pwndbg> print main
$2 = {<text variable, no debug info>} 0x4007f7 <main>

The Shell

Run the python code to anticipate a shell.



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