
Demystify a Java gadget chain to exploit insecure deserialization

Demystify a Java gadget chain to exploit insecure deserialization

I was always curious about how the actual remote code execution occurs during the Insecure Deserialization process. So I thought of giving a try to understand the known harmful gadgets from commons-collections-3.2.2.jar and develop the entire chain from scratch.

We need to use property oriented programming to build a RCE gadget from the scratch.

Component / Classes used to build the gadget

  1. Default JRE System Libraries: HashMap
  2. commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:
    1. ChainedTransformer
    2. LazyMap
    3. TiedMapEntry
    4. HashBag
  3. commons-lang3-3.7.jar
  4. mockito-all-1.9.5.jar

Make sure to add all those external libraries into Java class PATH (i.e Pycharm File -> Project Structure -> Libraries)

Pieces of the Puzzle


Command Execution using Runtime object directly

We can use the Java Runtime object and its exec() method to execute any system commands.

  • for example, running the gnome-calculator in linux.


Command Execution using Reflection API and Runtime object

  • Java Reflection API is used to examine or modify the behavior of methods, classes, interfaces at runtime.
  • Through reflection API, we can invoke any method at runtime via invoke() function.
    • Here, we are trying to invoke getRuntime() method to get a Runtime object.


Before directly jump into the Constant Transformer and InvokerTransformer, first understand the Transformer class and the transform() method.

Concept of Transformer

  • It transforms an input object to an output object through transform() method.
  • It doesn’t change the input object.
  • It is mainly used for: type conversion, extracting parts of an object.

For example, we can create a class MyReverse by implementing the Transformerinterface and transform() method.

  • Here, in transform() method, we specify how to reverse a String type object.

When we call the transform() method via passing the argument of a String type object, it reverses the string.


The return type of the transform() method is Object therefore it can return any type of object.

Command Execution using ConstantTransformer

In contrast to the Transformer class, it always returns the same object that specified during initialization.

  • If we Initialize a ConstantTransformar with Runtime.class and can call the transform() method with any object(for example, HashSet), we will always get the Runtime.class type object.


Concept of InvokerTransformer

  • During initialization, it takes a method name with optional parameters.
  • On transform, it calls that method for the object provided with the parameters.


Command Execution combining Transformer, ConstantTransformer and InvokerTransformer

We can chain all three types of transformers and perform RCE.


Command Execution using ChainedTransformer

ChainedTransformer is an array of transformers. By carefully maintaining their execution order we can achieve the same result but with minimum amount of code.


Concept HashMap

public class HashMap<K,V> extends AbstractMap<K,V> implements Map<K,V>, Cloneable, Serializable

  1. HashMap class contains values based on the key.
  2. It contains only unique keys.
  3. It maintains no order.
  4. It returns null if there’s no value is present for the requested key.


Concept LazyMap

  1. A type of Map which creates a value if there’s no value is present for the requested key.
  2. This generation is done through a transformation (i.e transformer.transform() method) on the requested Key.
  3. When the request key is not found then lazyMap.get("invalid_key") calls transformer.transform("invalid_key") to generate the key on the fly.



Command Execution by combining ChainedTransformer and LazyMap


Concept TiedMapEntry

  1. This can be used to enable a Map entry to make changes on the underlying map.
  2. Key point to remember tiedmapentry.hashcode() method calls tiedmapentry.getValue() method then intern it finally calls lazymap.get(this.key) method.



Concept HashBag

  1. A Collection that counts the number of times an object appears in the collection.
  2. Backed by an internal HashMap object.
  3. While adding any Object, first it’s hashcode() is calculated. Based on that hashcode/index, it updates the underlying HashMap table entry.
  4. Key Point to remember hashbag.add(tiedmapentry) method calls tiedmapentry.hashcode() method.


Assembling the pieces

  1. Create a TiedMapEntry with a underlying lazyMap and key is String -> ‘invalid_key’.
  2. Then add the tiedmapentry Object into a HashBag instance.
  3. hashbag.add(tiedmapentry) -> tiedmapentry.hashcode() -> lazymap.get(this.key) -> chainedtransformer.transform(key) -> Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/usr/bin/gnome-calculator");


  • Our primary objective for during the deserialization process is to ensure that TiedMapEntry.hashcode() gets invoked first time only.
  • However, when we attempt to serialize the HashBag object to generate the payload or .ser file, the method lazymap.get(“invalid_key”) is invoked once. This causes the underlying HashMap to be updated with the entry invalid_key:derived_value.
  • As a result, during the deserialization process, when TiedMapEntry.hashcode() triggers the call lazymap.get(this.key), the ChainedTransformer.transform(key) method will not be executed. This is because the LazyMap no longer needs to derive the value for the key using the transform() method—the underlying HashMap already contains the precomputed entry.

Therefore, we need to find a way to prevent the TiedMapEntry.hashcode() method from being invoked while creating the exploit payload.

Resolve using mockito

  1. Create a HashBag instance and add any Object into it.
  2. This will invoke Object’s hashcode() method and based on the hashcode / index, the underlying HashBag's => HashMap table entry will be updated with key = Object and value / count = 1.
  3. Now using mokito library, modify that HashBag's => HashMap’s first entry in memory.
    • Replace that Object with TiedMapEntry Object.
    • We have added only one entry due to that we are modifying the first entry.
  4. As you can observe, till this point, TiedMapEntry.hashcode() is not called anywhere.
  5. Serialize this HashBag Object.

An exception might still occur while creating the serialized object, as serialization support is now disabled by default for org.apache.commons.collections.functors.InvokerTransformer.

Therefore enable the support in both producer and consumer programs to serialize / deserialize the object without any exception


Prepare Final Exploit

Before finalizing the exploit payload, we need to include support for the Mockito library.

Java’s strong encapsulation introduced in Java 9+, which restricts reflective access to certain internal Java classes and fields by default. This is especially relevant when using libraries or tools that attempt to access private or internal fields of classes like HashMap.

  • By adding the --add-opens option, we can explicitly open the necessary package (java.util) for reflection. In IntelliJ IDEA -> Run -> Edit Configurations -> In VM options field, add the following
--add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED




It was observed that the calculator did not open during object creation because TiedMapEntry.hashcode() was not invoked at any point.

Test Exploit

When the client deserialization code attempts to process the .ser file, the calculator opens.



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